Python Pandas PROJECT ToDoList
Python Pandas Program to Create an App for making a ToDoList This Python program is based on Pandas library where we are using a Pandas DataFrame and this dataframe is using for creating an Application where we can add a records for our daily task and display it. If you have any queries feel free to ask. For more intresing videos follow Mittal Infotech import pandas as pd df = pd . DataFrame () i = 0 while True : print ( "Do you want to add an activity: \n 1. Add \n 2. Exit" ) n = int ( input ( "Enter your choice" )) if n == 1 : t = input ( "Enter the Time : " ) a = input ( "Enter your activity : " ) df . loc [ i ,[ 'Time' , 'Acitivity' ]]=[ t , a ] i = i + 1 elif n == 2 : break else : print ( "You have entered a wrong choice " ) ...
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